SpeedExtractor + SyncorePlus

The perfect match

The perfect match for efficient extraction and concentration in environmental and residue analysis is the combination of the BUCHI SpeedExtractor and the SyncorePlus. The extraction process to identify impurities in solid or semi-solid samples consumes most of the time. Thanks to pressurized solvent extraction (PSE) BUCHI’s SpeedExtractor combines maximal speed and throughput.

  • Faster Results: SpeedExtractor's pressurized solvent extraction saves processing time, allowing you to analyze up to 6 samples simultaneously.

  • Seamless Workflow: Skip transfer steps! The SyncorePlus directly concentrates extracts from the SpeedExtractor vessels, minimizing loss and saving time.

  • Streamlined Analysis: Concentrate extracts directly into vials usable for GC or HPLC, all within the SyncorePlus. No need for solvent transfers.

Let’s get in contact to find your perfect match for speedy extractions: 

